Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where To Buy Disney Land Leather Bracelets

Speis und Trank. Im Gasthaus mit dem Haubentaucher.

had pig: Episode third

The two young gentlemen in the photo both hot smoke, he called Richard, she Sonja. They are brother and sister and even fairy-tale run guest house in Trautmannsdorf. Unfortunately, this is not near the same palace in the city of Graz, but just behind or in front of the same mountain, depending on which direction you come from. This means for us Graz: go for a good hour and about 5 kilometers from the finish: pig had that we were slow on the road, otherwise we would have the same chef can bring a freshly killed deer. Just so we understand: Tip is the inn no longer have to defend the smoke in their "host Steira" two hoods and on the evening when we really wanted to come was a huge wine event with 80 guests. But the next day was the place.

The best of the parsley.

are among smokers, especially Steirisches it, all of them exciting, high class. Even any details such as celery or parsley to be lifted into a new culinary context, that the palate is surprised. Brook trout tartare, use more of it, a lamb sweetbread, the confidence one has to shop elsewhere first, Jerusalem artichoke soup with crayfish, salmon trout with fennel and as if that was not really anything refined enough for a whole month, is available as a finale a chocolate mousse Zotter from which even the Rieger Burger King chocolate sincere enthusiasm as he assured me a few days later. This means for us Graz: looking for someone who does not drink during Lent (as is the wine selection but not without), and call in to the smoke and go. Please take care of the deer that are on the road and not on the map.

Steira host 8343 Trautmannsdorf 6, Thu-Tue 12:00 to 14:30 and 18:00 to 21:30 clock, so clock 12-17, closed on Wednesdays, tel 03159/4106,


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