Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hidden Wall Storage Areas

Speis und Trank. Im Gasthaus mit dem Haubentaucher.

Episode 2: My Life as a puree.

This is because of Mr. Wanko. Who has been with us a few times during testing and, surprisingly, Gastro always behaved very properly. This time the trip went into the potato country, specifically in the yellow-brown-designed fast-food restaurant Mr. Kumpir in Anne Street. It is a franchise operation of a globally active Turkish potato chain and there is in these temples of hospitality primary "Kumpir," also "Kumpir" and then "Kumpir. Well, pizza and kebabs as well, but if you want it there?

What the hell is a / e Kumpir?

The things are Kumpir-sized potatoes, the inside is out and fished with butter and cheese (so they say anyway) mashed. Then, the back filled into the shell. To this end, we can fill with various meat and vegetables and salad. The amazing thing: it tastes not bad and I know of at least one person in Graz, who regularly walked there and a / d / n Kumpir eaten. After Kumpir or one does not have much something that fills pretty. But who will necessarily, because the taste can:

This is supposedly a wafer that has to do with the original Belgian but not the least, but looks als sei sie von einer Kinderparty übrig geblieben. Mahlzeit!

Mr. Kumpir, Annenstraße 32, 8020 Graz, Mo–Sa 10 bis 22 Uhr, So 12 bis 22 Uhr, Tel. 0660/5558699,


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