Thursday, December 7, 2006

Instructions On How To Sew An Anarkali Suit

ART - NATURE - CULTURE IN ILMENAU / door. Pictures of the horses gallop sports

Out there is the firewood for the winter 2008 / 2009, made this year.

Good day!

For some time I have this - working title - "horse race" again made. I started in 2005 and wanted it tell flat racing, jumping, Dressage, Hobby Horse and stories ...: Triptych take - as a base - Image for a horse
And now I get back access to the image and the whole deal.
The format is 50 x 150 cm, canvas on canvas, in oil. I used from the start the Nerchau colors, otherwise I always Schmincke.
times I show the work as of 7.12.2006.

Further progress will tell me.

'm Sorry I have not come on, now I need to see that I ARABICA 2007 in Frankfurt am Main, she runs over a public holiday and as we are exhibiting, preliminary.

Regards, Monika Osswald.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

How Many Pionts In Beef Tips

"funny facts" T-Shirts

Folgende T-Shirts mit Kalendermotive sind noch um 19 Euro zu haben und via mail bestellbar:

Conny Titel: L
Januar: Conny Tatoo: M
Februar: Elisabeth: in S, M, L
März, Eli Füße: M
April, Co, Belly: S
May, rose curtain: M
June Peercing: S
July, bottoms: S, M
August, bed: S
Sept, DuoKleidertausch: L

Photographer: L

T-shirts are white and made of pure cotton Today

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cat Diabetes Stuck Myself Needle

funny facts for listening!

1st December by 19 clock
are Elisabeth Löffler, Peter Miletits and Cornelia Scheuer
guests Claus Pirson in the youth room
of Fm4 (internet stream available)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Brazilian Wax Columbia, Sc


Funny Facts
The other Kalender
Präsentation am 2. Dezember 2006 19 Uhr
Schönbrunnerstr. 61
1050 Wien

Letter To Pastor For Doing Furnal

funny facts: the slightly different calendar

Elisabeth Löffler , Cornelia Scheuer, Performerinnen und Rollstuhlbenützerinnen, Peter Miletits , Fotograf, präsentieren das erste Projekt des Labels LizArt Productions. Der Kalender entstand durch die Unzufriedenheit der drei KünstlerInnen mit dem Bild von behinderten Menschen in der Öffentlichkeit und präsentieren deswegen einen erotischen humorvollen Kalender. Die wichtigsten Kriterien dabei waren der Humor, die Leidenschaft und Lust. Lust sich darzustellen, Lust am own body and pleasure to capture this mood.
The possibility of one's body, not the usual beauty meets poster and do not even want to, Elisabeth Löffler, Cornelia Scheuer and Peter Miletits have taken. Funny Facts The calendar makes this the first time the general public. The birth was democratic, the subjects are selected from all three parties.

the January

the February Journal:

The May










The calendar, colored, high-quality offset printing, A3, spiral-bound costs Euro 15, - (shipping extra)

can and via mail order here be ordered

The calendar can also be purchased at the following stores :

eg. Fotofachlabor Kadmon: A-1060 Vienna, Linde Gasse 7

in Edelschrott : A-1150 Vienna, Karmeliterhofgasse 6

in woman : A -1070 Vienna, Ziegler lane 28

in Szalon : A-1070 Vienna, MuseumsquartierMuseumsplatz1

in WAG : A-1030 Vienna, Fashion Center 14 / A / EC

in " milk and honey ": A-1070 Vienna, Zollergasse 16

im Fusskönig : A-1090 Wien, Währingerstr. 24

Monday, November 6, 2006

Black And Decker Jigsaw Stopped Working


A warm welcome!

I started a new job, the "blue," and will begin by the exhibitions in 2007 to prepare so slow:
We want that is again the great Arabian Horse Show visit the Hessian State Stud Dillenburg, while at the racetrack in Boxberg / Thuringia at least once be, as in the riding station Gera-Milbitz/Thüringen and of course the events of local riding and breeding farms, such as Oberpörlitz / Thuringia or use the Haflinger Stud Meura / Thuringia.
Meura place on 26.12.2006 in a very popular Christmas Gala, the 12th, rather than as we want to have back.
for my work are the visits of equestrian sports, breeding and horse farms, etc. in fact indispensable. Without intense study of nature, I just can not draw smart.
get Maybe we indeed an invitation from the Thuringian Ministry of Agriculture for a horse pictures exhibition, advertised we have ever and I do think that there are indeed sitting many nature-loving people who always get visitors who are impressed by the figurative painting.

Here are some impressions of the origin of Working "blue," oil on canvas, 120x100cm.

This is the preliminary drawing, charcoal, taken from previous before.

One can already see all sorts.

The work develops (Not the Aircraft, the picture:) / / Does the person have? Little help: Krug man recites "The cow ...")!

This is the state of work on the 12/07/2006

Regards, horse painter Monika Osswald

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cement Toilet Paper Holder To Tile -recessed

World Equestrian Games Aachen 2006 in

Argentinus vom Zuchhof Klatte - Öl, 60x80cm, 2006

Argentinus - Bleistift, 42x54cm, 2006

"Argentinus an sich" : Porträt Argentinus - Öl, 70x100cm, 2006

Zur WM hatten wir sehr schöne Gespräche mit den Damen und Herren in den verschiedensten Pavillons, mit Künstlern - sehr ausführlich mit dem Bildhauer und Maler Herrn Ingo Koblischek und seiner Frau, ich durfte sogar Skizzen seiner ausgestellten Werke machen - , mit Leuten von Pferdehöfen, z. B. vom Zuchthof Klatte, 49688 Lastrup - Germany.
Das Gespräch entwickelte sich so: Hartmut Oßwald sah ein kleines Mädchen in einem Pavillon eines Pferdezüchters mit einem Besen kehren, dessen Stiel abgebrochen war und das Mädchen hätte schlimm verletzen können.
Den Besen genommen und mit dem Taschenmesser das Stielende sauber abgeschnitten, das war eins. Mama und Papa waren natürlich gleich angetan ob der unerwarteten Aktion und wir kamen ins Gespräch lustiger Art. Ich ging in den Pavillon and I looked at the wonderful presentation, well, golly, the breeding farm Klatte! Are not these the successful breeders, show jumping, for example, for Meredith Michels Beerbaum, Marcus Ehning?
Man introduced himself, business cards and exchanged opinions be reported on their work, a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere, all were happy. I listened attentively, and in mind always on the lookout for and open to new ideas for pictures. We found, and it dawned on us: The stallion Argentinus!
viewed in the stands after the information material. What we are known only from hearsay and from television knew, was now visible in front of us: the most beautiful Argentinus.
Vor lauter Begeisterung und getragen von der in Aachen erlebten wunderbaren Stimmung, wollte ich ihn unbedingt sofort malen, porträtieren.
Wieder zuhause in Unterpörlitz die Gedanken aufs Papier gebracht. Porträtieren, ein schwieriges Unterfangen und nicht meine Art, so ohne ausführlichen persönlichen Kontakt, so ohne die notwendigen umfangreichen Skizzen und Beobachtungen. Was solls, das Infomaterial gab Eindruck, Inspiration genug, die Homepage aufgerufen und ich kannte Argentinus ja auch vom Fernsehen her.
Alle laufenden Projekte wurden erstmal hintenangestellt und sich in die Arbeit gestürzt.
Sehen Sie nun hier nach 7 Wochen angestrengter und freudvoller Arbeit das Ergebnis, meine Sicht auf ihn, on this power, the power, this serenity, this successful life, this - "Look here , ch I am " See my view on this horse person se.
And I have decided to work more ideas for pictures with him.
Now it's time, of course, with the home farm Klatte to do so, must pay a visit to see him and of course hear the verdict on my work from the owner.

23rd October 2006, horse painter Monika Osswald.